Latest file from 21/05/22, please always check on extranet for latest file under Competitions rules/Substitutions
The Referee Operations Department have created the attached table showing the current position (21/05/22) in relation to both the number of substitutes / stoppages allowed for “normal” substitutes and also a list of which competitions are using the Concussion substitutes in 2021-2022. We will try to keep this up to date in line but please always refer to the extranet prior to matches to confirm this is still the up to date table.
With regard to Concussion substitutes please ensure you fully understand the process and the reporting mechanisms in place for the extranet (a drop down option should be available when reporting subs – normal or concussion). Only choose “Concussion” for the player that actually was concussed – all other subs are “normal”.
Full information on the IFAB process and the process to follow during a match can be found in the following link to the IFAB (Protocol B) – note NO return substitutes are allowed under our protocol: