2020 a year which none of us could have predicted, it has been tough within the game and especially on our personal lives. At times many of us have felt deflated, however there were still positives to take away as an Association. Below Association Management and our President have written some words on this unprecedented year:
George Calder, EDRA President
Dear members
It goes without saying that it was been a somewhat indifferent year for everyone. It will no doubt have effected some more than others on both a personal and professional level, however it’s difficult to comprehend a pandemic that would have affected the footballing family the way this has. That said, there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel with a vaccination in circulation and the hope that football, with fans will return at all levels sooner rather than later.
As an association, we have endeavoured to keep everyone engaged and updated the best we could. Massive challenges have been faced and that was just with getting to grips with technology, which like most was certainly new ground for me and probably the majority of others. We have managed to adapt and overcome, and undoubtedly will benefit going forward to tap into that wider audience.
Despite the difficult year, there has been a stand out achievement with the appointment of Mr Graeme Leslie to the Scottish Cup final. A fantastic achievement and one which will remain in the memories of Graeme and his family for years to come, well done.
Personally I would like to wish all members and your families a prosperous 2021
Please stay safe and have a fabulous Hogmanay.
Kind regards
George Calder
EDRA President
Martin Clark, Mark Doyle & Calum Murray
Association Manager, Assistant Association Manager and Referee Committee Representative
As we reach the end of a calendar year, It has been the norm to make comment regarding the highlights achieved during the 12 months we are about to leave behind.
Prior to doing so, we are confident you will agree that it’s been a period we won’t forget and one we will all be delighted to see behind us.
However, even when faced with adversity endured, it is said one should look for the positives that have occurred to assist with our resilience and help drive us forward.
During the year much of our activity went online be it hosting Association Meetings, the New Entrants Referee class, holding zoom fitness sessions in Jimmy Ramage’s back garden to the amazing turnout at the two Category- Regional Training Days for our category 4-7 referees which saw a record attendance from the Association
With that in mind, it is worth noting that a number of officials received promotion in May, indeed one of the most successful years for the EDRA in that regard, and certainly under my tenure as Association Manager.
A number of our referees were accepted on the SCORE programme, thus continuing the pattern of success set by their EDRA colleagues in previous seasons.
Vikki Allan retained her position on the FIFA list, aptly demonstrating that even if times are difficult, hard work can bring rewards. Vikki has also made the first step towards achieving her goal in terms of operating at a similar level on the domestic scene by securing promotion to Cat4D.
It would be remiss of us if we did not make special mention of Graeme Leslie, who was appointed as one of the SAR’s to the 2019/20 Scottish Cup Final, during which he performed exceptionally well and assisted in maintaining, not only his high personal standard but also that of the reputation of this Association.
Thank you Graeme
We wish all members continued success and wish them and their respective loved ones a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2021.
Martin Clark, Mark Doyle and Calum Murray
Association Manager, Assistant Association Manager and Referee Committee Representative
Thank you to all our members for your patience and professionalism this year, while it may not have been the year we all expected hopefully there will be more football next year and potentially some normality. Happy New Year to our members and your families we wish you a happy, healthy and safe 2021.